Meet July’s Member Spotlight – Julie J. Marburger, Esquire

We recently sat down with GRYP member, Julie Marburger, to learn more about her involvement in GRYP and the community and to hear her thoughts on being a young professional in the Greater Reading area. Check out our interview below.

Company: Wolf, Baldwin and Associates, P.C.; Heartland Abstract, Inc.
Position: Family Law Attorney and Licensed Title Agent
GRYP Member Since: 2012

GRYP: When and why did you join GRYP?
JM: I joined GRYP when I moved here from Atlanta in 2012. Everyone I knew in Berks County was related to me and/or over the age of 50, so I joined GRYP to make new friends in the community.

GRYP: How involved are you with GRYP?
JM: I was on the Board of GRYP for the last year and half. I am involved with the Sports Committee, specifically the GRYP golf tournament, which is coming up August 10, 2019. I was also on the G!G! Committee for this past event. 

GRYP: As a young professional in the Greater Reading Area, what do you like to do in the area?
JM: I play a lot of golf during the summer and am looking forward to playing in one for my favorite tournaments on August 10 – the GRYP tournament! I also love to read. If you see me sitting “playing” on my phone, there is a pretty good chance I am actually reading a book and not just trolling Instagram.

GRYP: What is your view on being a young professional in the Greater Reading Area?
JM: Reading was a hard community for me to break into. I didn’t feel like I had a lot in common with people. But the more I put myself out there, the larger my circle of friends grew. I love Reading now because I have made so many connections that have turned into great friends. These friends have turned into great resources to grow professionally and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am in my career without the connections I have made since I moved here.

GRYP: What are some of your leadership roles?
JM: Don’t judge me on the length of this list – I have a problem with taking on volunteer activities. Other than GRYP activities, I am:

Chair of the Law Day Committee for the Berks County Bar Association
Chair of the Entertainment Committee for the Berks County Bar Association
Co-Vice-Chair of the Family Law Section for the Berks County Bar Association
Vice-Chair of the Amity Township Planning Commission
Vice-Chair of the Pottstown Historic Architecture Review Board

I’ll stop now. I am sure I’ve exceeded my word count…

GRYP: What are some of your proudest personal or professional achievements?
JM: I have been chosen to be a Rising Star for 2016-2019. I was chosen as a Select Lawyer in Family law in 2014. I won the Pro Bono Award in 2015. I was also hugged by a client after a hearing this week.

GRYP: What are some interesting tips you used that would help other young professionals advance their careers?
JM: I was asked this same question by an intern I had one summer. I told him, “Fake it til you make it.” Act with confidence and it will go a long way.

GRYP: Anything else to add?
JM: Don’t forget to sign up for the GRYP Golf Tournament on August 10, 2019! If you’re not a golfer, we always need sponsors and volunteers.

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